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How to Use the
StoryBrand Framework
to layout your homepage.

THE HERO SECTION is the most important part of your website. In 5 seconds or less, it must clearly answer these questions: 1. What do you do? 2. Who do you serve 3. Why should I buy from you? or How will your product/service/done-for-you solution make my life better? 4. How do I get it? (Have a clear Call-To-Action - C.T.A.) If your above-the-fold content doesn't answer these questions, or if there's too much going on and it's confusing the message, you risk losing sales.






Sub-Headline Tips It is a crystal-clear description of what your company does or offers.

HEADLINE: A clear statement of what your clients want.

The Sub-Headline Goes Here:

A clear description of what your company does.

Headline Tips The headline should be aspirational & specific. You want to communicate what the customer wants, or how they want to feel about themselves (the transformation they are seeking.)

Direct C.T.A.
Transitional C.T.A.

What is a Direct vs. Transitional CTA? Direct CTA: This is how clients can begin working with you. For example, "Buy Now", "Schedule A Call", "Book A Service" Transitional CTA This CTA is used to turn site visitors into leads. Usually, it is a CTA to opt-in to your email list.

Mission Statement/Expanatory Paragraph:

Write a short statement about about how your business is committed to serving your client/industry/business sector or helping the world in general, with their products and services.

Here is a fill-in-the-blank template to help you:

At (Company Name), we are dedicated to What you do & Who you do it for) so that you can (Big benefit #1), (Big benefit #2), (Big benefit #3), without (Struggle #1), and (Struggle #2). 


EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH SECTION Write a short paragraph that includes your client's problem, the solution to their problem that you offer, and the success they will experience when they work with you. Here is an example: "At Apex Executive Coaching, we understand what it feels like to have achieved career success, make it to the top, and still feel unsatisfied with life. That is why I am dedicated to supporting CEOs & Founders like you to find inner purpose and create a meaningful life without quitting your day job.

THE VALUE STACK SECTION List three successes that your customer will experience by working with you. The goal of this section is to help site visitors understand how your business can make their life better or solve their big problems. This helps increase the perceived value of your product or service. Here are some example successes/wins: ‣ Stop Stressing ‣ Save Time ‣ Save Money ‣ Stay Organized

Element of Success

Brief bullet-point of the element of success your client will experience 

Element of Success

Brief description of the element of success your client will experience 

Element of Success

Brief description of the element of success your client will experience 

THE STAKES SECTION: The purpose of this section is to show the reader that you understand their problems and how important it is to solve those problems. Here are some example problems/pain points/struggles. ‣ You feel overwhelmed and can't sleep at night. ‣ Your paperwork is disorganized and tax time is a headache ‣ You are stressed out and your employees are not performing well.

What is the cost to your customers if they do not do business with you?
Pain Point / Struggle Your Client is experiencing by not working with you.
Pain Point / Struggle Your Client is experiencing by not working with you.
Pain Point / Struggle Your Client is experiencing by not working with you.
Direct C.T.A.
What are the big wins/transformation your clients receive by buying your products/services or done-for-you solutions?
Value Header
A specific value your customers will experience when doing business with you.
Value Header
A specific value your customers will experience when doing business with you.
Value Header
A specific value your customers will experience when doing business with you.
Direct C.T.A.

THE VALUE PROPOSITION SECTION The purpose of this section is to present the value that your business offers. This could include three benefits of working with you and a single sentence about each. OR You could showcase your products or services here. Here are some example value propositions: Benefits of working together: ‣ Step-by-Step System ‣ One-on-One Coaching Support ‣ Accountability Partner

Our Products/Solutions
Product Name
Tag Line

Brief Description

Learn More

Product Name
Tag Line

Brief Description

Learn More

Product Name
Tag Line

Brief Description

Learn More

Logos / As Seen In...
Client Logos or Publication Logos
Direct C.T.A.

THE GUIDE SECTION In this section, the goal is to show that we really understand our clients desires and have empathy for them. We also want to demonstrate that we are the expert guide that they need to help them solve their problems and achieve success. Include in this section: 1. An empathetic statement. Ex: We understand that designing a website can be overwhelming and stressful" 2. Customer testimonials 3. Or you could show logos of clients you work with, press logos, certifications, etc. Remember, the goal is to show that you have the expertise to solve their problems without bragging about yourself.

Client Testimonial Goes Here
Position, Company
3-Step Plan to Achieve Success
Direct C.T.A.

THE PLAN SECTION The purpose of this section is to clearly outline the steps to take to work with you. People feel more confident when they know what's going to happen next, and will be more likely to take action. Here is an example: 1. Schedule a Consultation 2. Choose a coaching package 3. Start getting in shape Donald Miller suggests making the third step a positive success so that it is easy for the reader to see the steps they need to take to get to where they want to be.

Step 1
Brief Description
Step 2
Brief Description
Step 3
Brief Description
Your Lead-Generating 
Asset Title Goes Here
Brief description of your lead generating asset / offer goes here.
(PDF, Checklist, Video, Free 15-Minute Consultation, etc)
Opt-in Form


THE LEAD MAGNET SECTION The purpose of this section is to turn site visitors into leads. Even if your site visitor is not ready to buy from you now, they may be interested in a free resource or consultation you can provide. The idea is to create a free resource that solves a problem your ideal client is experiencing. In exchange for this valuable "freebie", they will give you their email and permission to be on your email list.


Direct C.T.A.

© 2022(Your company name)

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THE FOOTER This is the perfect place to add internal page links, privacy policy, social media links, copyright info, etc.

One-line sentence goes here:
Problem, solution, result!
Extra Nav Menu
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